Manifest By The Light


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Why I Left the Mennonite Church Part 3

Posted by Lyndon V Bechtel on Thursday, January 28, 2016, In : Warnings Given 

The broad road and narrow road in Mathew is not talking about non-believers and Christians but rather Christians and false converts. People who claim to be Christians but have never experienced salvation. These are the deceived the Judas’s of this world. The Bible says a true Christian’s life will have sin but it will be characterized by a hatred of that sin and a constant striving for victory. If you see a person who does not strive for victory and it appears that they may not have the H...

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Why I left the Mennonite Church Part 2

Posted by Lyndon V Bechtel on Thursday, January 28, 2016, In : Warnings Given 

Eternal Security

If you grew up Mennonite you most likely believed that your salvation could be lost any time you sinned. From that view some have matured as I had to the idea that Christ doesn’t cut us off every time we sin because it is His righteousness imputed to us, but rather if we embark on a life of continual sin we will lose our salvation. I have since moved past that view to understanding Scripture in its entirety that a Christian is sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of rede...

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Why I left the Mennonite Church Part 1

Posted by Lyndon V Bechtel on Thursday, January 28, 2016, In : Warnings Given 

Why I left the Mennonite Church

Church Leadership

In my studies I have come to understand that the method of Church leadership as implemented in the Mennonite church is unbiblical and not like the New Testament church at all.  I do not believe in the control grid were bishops have more power or authority than local ministers. I do believe this is serious as the Bible teaches that each church is to be autonomous and self-governing. The idea that a bishop could influence or make dec...

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Emerging Church Leader does not like word saved or born agian

Posted by Lyndon V Bechtel on Tuesday, September 13, 2011, In : Warnings Given 
EMERGING LEADER IS BOTHERED BY USE OF “SAVED” AND “BORN AGAIN” the following is excerpted form (Friday Church News Notes, September 9, 2011,,, 866-295-4143) and posted on on Sept 12 2011

  - In his blog and in an interview with the 
Christian Post, Tim Stevens, pastor of Granger Community Church of Granger, Indiana, says he is bothered by the use of the terms “saved” and “born again.” He wrote: “I’ve recently noti...

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Posted by Lyndon V Bechtel on Tuesday, September 13, 2011, In : Warnings Given 

 - The following warning by Kevin Reeves of how he was forbidden to warn about the error of certain protected leaders when he was a pastor in charismatic Latter Rain circles reminds us that Mennonites are not the only ones guilty of this gross misuse of Scripture. “Perhaps the single biggest factor hindering acknowledgment and genuine repentance of false doctrine is the unwillingness for believers to relinquish THE SUPER...

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