TEMPLE INSTITUTE’S BLUEPRINT FOR THE THIRD TEMPLE the following was excerpted from(Friday Church News Notes and posted on on December 28, 2011,

 - The Temple Institute has announced completion of the first blueprints for the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. The design is for the Chamber of Hewn Stone, which is intended to be the meeting place of the reconstituted Great Sanhedrin, the 70 ruling elders of Israel. The Institute’s objective, since its founding in 1986, has been the rebuilding of the Temple. They have fashioned priestly garments, the high priest’s golden crown costing $30,000, the high priest’s breastplate with its 12 precious stones inscribed with the names of the tribes of Israel, a copper laver, an incense altar, silver trumpets, gold- and silver-plated shofars, harps, and many other things. Of special interest is the large menorah that was fashioned from 95 pounds of pure gold, valued at $2.4 million. In December 2007 the menorah was moved to an outside location on the Western Wall Plaza across from the Temple Mount. Prior to that it had stood in the old Roman Cardo. The plan is to move the menorah ever closer to the Temple Mount itself and ultimately to place it in the Third Temple. The Institute is constructing a full-scale model of the Temple (covering 269,000 square feet) near the Dead Sea to use for training priests. The founder of the Institute, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, was a member of the paratrooper unit that liberated the Temple Mount in 1967. According to Bible prophecy, the Third Temple will be associated with the Antichrist. The Sanhedrin rejected Jesus as the Christ 2,000 years ago, in spite of the fact that He fulfilled the Messianic prophecies, and they have never repented of that great sin. In their spiritual blindness they will receive the “man of sin” who will occupy the Third Temple (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12). The antichrist, who will come on the scene as a man of peace, will probably create the conditions necessary for the building of the Temple in a place where such a thing is currently inconceivable.