Nature Gallery

Here you will find exhibits and articles that refute evolution and show the handy work of our Maker. This gallery will be update periodically with new and interesting things about nature. 


No Scientifically Proven Evidence for Evolution


the following is excerpted from (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,; And ( Posted on manifestbythelight- Nature Gallery, December 12, 2010, )

Charles Darwin did not offer any scientifically-proven evidence for his theory. The book On the Origin of Species did not prove that species arise from the process of natural selection. It only proved that species adapt through various processes. A century and a half has passed since Darwin published his thesis, and the scientific proof remains elusive. In fact, remove the evolutionary assumptions, and the “evidence” disappears. 

Consider the following testimonies from Ph.D. scientists, most of whom once believed in evolution:

“Despite all the millions of pages of evolutionist publications--from journal articles to textbooks to popular magazine stories--which assume and imply that material processes are entirely adequate to accomplish macroevolutionary miracles, there is in reality no rational basis for such belief” (John Baumgardner, Ph.D. in geophysics and space physics from UCLA, In Six Days, p. 230).

“I reviewed many books on Darwinism and from them outlined the chief evidence for evolution, which included vestigial organs, homology, ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, beneficial mutations, evidence of poor design, the fossil record, atavisms, nascent organs, the argument from imperfect, natural selection, microevolution versus macroevolution, shared genetic errors, the backward retina, junk DNA, and other topics. ... Slowly, but surely, I was able to eliminate all of the main arguments used to support evolutionism by researching secular literature only. At some point I crossed the line, realizing the case against evolutionism was overwhelming and conversely, so was the case in favor of the alternative, creationism” (Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. in human biology from columbia Pacific University and Ph.D. in measurement and evolution from Wayne State University, Persuaded by the Evidence, chapter 4). 

“there is not one single instance whereby all the tests essential to the establishment of the scientific validity of evolution have been satisfied. There are hypotheses, grandiose models, suppositions, and inferences, all of which are formulated and reinforced within the collective and self-serving collaborations of the evolutionist gurus. However, none of this amounts to true scientific evidence for evolution. It was in the 1970s that, to my great surprise, bewilderment, and disgust, I became enlightened to this” (Edward Boudreaux, Ph.D. in chemistry from Tulane University, 
In Six Days, p. 205). 

“Over a period of a couple of years, it became apparent to me that the theory of evolution has no legitimate factual evidence” (John Cimbala, Ph.D. in aeronautics from the California Institute of Technology, 
In Six Days, p. 201). 

“As I looked at the evidence--trying to be a dispassionate scientist--I could not find the evidence for the multitudes of intermediate forms which should exist if evolution was true” (Raymond Jones, Ph.D. in biology, “Standing Firm,” 
The Genesis Files, edited by Carl Wieland, p. 28).

“It is my conviction that if any professional biologist will take adequate time to examine carefully the assumptions upon which the macro-evolutionary doctrine rests, and the observational and laboratory evidence that bears on the problem of origins, he/she will conclude that there are substantial reasons for doubting the truth of this doctrine” (Dean Kenyon, Ph.D. in biophysics from Stanford University, “The Creationist View of Biological Origins,” 
NEX4 Journal, Spring 1984, p. 33).

“I have never seen any evidence for evolution. All that I see around me in nature points to a divine designer” (Angela Meyer, Ph.D. in horticultural science from the University of Sydney, 
In Six Days, p. 143).

“How secure is the idea that there is an uninterrupted creative sequence from the big bang through the formation of the solar system, the solidification of the earth, the spontaneous generation of life, and the evolution of plants, animals, and humans to end in the world around us today? Is this scheme impregnable? By no means. It has fatal gaps and inconsistencies” (Colin Mitchell, Ph.D. in desert terrain geography from Cambridge University). 

“I no longer believed there was any validity to Darwinism, having become convinced of this as much by the evolutionist literature I had read as by the creationist books. The standards of evidence supporting evolution seemed trivial compared to the evidence on which engineers have to base their work” (Henry Morris, Ph.D. in hydraulics and hydrology from the University of Minnesota, 
Persuaded by the Evidence, p. 222).

““I have studied a lot of arguments from evolutionists; I have had seven formal debates with evolutionary professors at universities, and I have never read or heard any scientific fact that contradicts what the Bible says. There are evolutionist’s interpretations of the facts, but the facts themselves are not contrary to Scripture” (Terry Mortenson, Ph.D. in the History of Geology from Coventry University, interview with David Cloud at the Creation Museum, June 23, 2009). 

“For three years, I used all the evolutionary arguments I knew so well [to debate chemistry professor Dr. Charles Signorino]. For three years, I lost every scientific argument. In dismay, I watched the myth of evolution evaporate under the light of scientific scrutiny, while the scientific case for Creation-Corruption-Catastrophe-Christ just got better and better. It’s no wonder that the ACLU (actually the anti-Christian lawyers union) fights by any means to censor any scientific challenge to evolution!” (Gary Parker, Ph.D. in biology/geology from Ball State University, Persuaded by the Evidence, p. 254).

““After all the research to date, we are still unable to explain the origin of galaxies as inhomogeneities in the universe from the perspective of evolution. We seem, in fact, to be further away from a satisfactory explanation of evolutionary galactic origins than we were when we started to study the subject, using modern physical theory. As in one field of science, so in all others, we are unable to explain the origin of the beautiful and complex realities of this world from an evolutionist approach” (John Rankin, Ph.D. in mathematical physics from the University of Adelaide, 
In Six Days, p. 122).

“Progressing in my studies, I slowly realized that evolution survives as a paradigm only as long as the evidence is picked and chosen and the great poll of data that is accumulating on life is ignored. As the depth and breadth of human knowledge increases, it washes over us a flood of evidence deep and wide, all pointing to the conclusion that life is the result of design” (Timothy Standish, Ph.D. in biology and public policy from George Mason University, 
In Six Days, p. 117).

“If the evolution or creationism discussion were decided by sensible appeals to reason, evolution would long ago have joined the great philosophical foolishnesses of the past, with issues such as how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, or the flat-earth concept. ... evolution is not adhered to on scientific grounds at all. Rather, it is clung to though flying in the face of reason, with an incredible, fanatical, and irrational religious fervor. It loudly claims scientific support when, in fact, it has none worthy of the name” (Ker Thomson, D.Sc. in geophysics from the Colorado School of Mines, former director of the U.S. Air Force Terrestrial Sciences Laboratory, 
In Six Days, p. 217). 

“The principles and observations of true science do not contradict a literal interpretation of Genesis 1, but in fact offer support for the creation of all things in six days!” (Jeremy Walter, Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 
In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, edited by John Ashton, pp. 21, 22).

“I am firmly convinced that there is far more scientific evidence supporting a recent, six-day creation and global flood than there is an old earth and evolution” 
(Keith Wanser, Ph.D. in condensed matter physics from the University of California, Irvine, In Six Days, pp. 103, 104).

“I became convinced that people believe in evolution because they choose to do so. It has nothing at all to do with evidence. Evolution is not a fact, as so many bigots maintain. There is not a shred of evidence for the evolution of life on earth” (A.J. Monty White, Ph.D. in gas kinetics from the University College of Wales, 
In Six Days, pp. 257, 259, 260, 263).

In 1969 Dr. John Grebe, speaking to the Texas State School Board, offered a $1,000 reward to anyone who could “provide any first example of physically verifiable evidence (or even a basic mathematical model) sufficient to elevate the then hypothesis of macroevolution up to the status of scientific theory. The challenge was offered to the top evolutionary scientists of that day. Grebe was the director of nuclear and basic research at Dow Chemical, Midland, Michigan. One man who tried to collect was atheist David Bradbury. He had been a brash defender of evolution for 20 years since his university days. Not only was he not able to find the evidence to defend evolution. Bradbury eventually became a Bible-believing Christian and he re-offered Grebe’s challenge. On January 28, 2002, he wrote, 

This $1,000 challenge remains open (and uncollected). Until someone (teacher, board member or professor) can cite even a single example of empirically confirmable evidence that random shifts in gene frequency acted upon by natural selection can (or does) cumulatively collect to produce macro-evolutionary change, it would appear only reasonable to responsibly refrain from introducing such conjecture as proper scientific theory to students and to the public” (“Report on Comments on Proposed Modifications to Draft of Ohio Science Academic Content Standards,”, viewed April 5, 2010)

 DINOSAUR BLOOD  The following is from Creation Moments, January 5, 2010: and posted on manifested by the light January 28,2011:

 “A short while ago, Creation Moments reported the case of blood cells being discovered in a fossilized T. rex bone. Today, we report on another case. While most fossil bones have lithified, or turned to stone, occasionally identifiable bones are found that are only partially lithified. Scientists had been studying the fossilized upper leg bone of a T. rex they date at 68 million years [‘Old Softy,’ Science News, March 25, 2005, p. 195]. The study consisted of dissolving the minerals from the fossilized bone with slightly alkaline solutions. They were completely surprised, for what remained was a soft, pliable material that proved to be high in carbon. Closer study of the pliable material revealed what appeared to be a network of blood vessels. Researchers were then amazed to find that this network was very similar to the networks found in modern ostrich bones. What’s more, they found bone cells as well as red blood cells in this material. Such findings would never be expected in 68-million-year-old biological material, but the researchers could offer no other interpretation for what they saw. They are now hoping that the discovery might shed light on dinosaur physiology and metabolism. Researchers are still puzzled at how 68-million-year-old biological material could be preserved for so long. Of course, the obvious answer is that the material is not nearly that old and that dinosaurs were even part of human history.”